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Showing posts from November, 2006

Attack initiated?

Initiating an attack, eh? Pretending that you needed to communicate? You're a little late, smartass. I already have a plan. Not a good plan, though. Just to make me stay on my principles. Quite sure that you know, that I would rather die or back to my previous self than to submit to anybody. Please keep in mind.

Ask the Big Guy for support

MS and it's products fail you? Found some corrupted documents from MS's applications? It's an easy deal. Call them, open a support ticket, do whatever make sense to ask them for support. MS is a big company. And you've spent a lot of money only to get the license so you can get the applications working. Pretty sure, they will overcome the problem as easy as they ripped your money. But still you came to us. I'm not MS's associates. I don't even use the products. It's not a shame thing if I can't fix the problem. Can't read the source, though. Don't blame me for somebody else's sin. 

Sales? Sedih amat.

Sebenernya dari dulu udah engga nyaman dg tugas yg dibebankan padaku. Tapi baru2 ini saja, setelah browsing ke situsnya orang lain, baru tahu kalau aku ini cuma seorang sales. Customer Service. Kirain kerjaanku keren, nyatanya keren-peng. Jadi sedih. Pengen nangis. Mamah, maafkan anakmu. Aku ingin pulang saja, Mamah.

Idiot...... Idiot......

Kalimat "the best idiot ever" terasa benar-benar cocok dan melekat pada diriku. Kalimat ini tidak merupakan ironi, tapi mengandung makna memberatkan. Seperti, "I missed you, badly." Badly di sini bukan berarti jelek, tapi bermakna sungguh-sungguh. Dan inilah yang juga terjadi pada diriku. Pemikiran "itu" sudah datang semenjak beberapa hari sebelun hari-H. Tapi bodohnya, tidak kulaksanakan. Akhirnya, menyesal karena tidak mendapat apa yang kuinginkan. Tapi berita hari ini sungguh mencengangkan. Mencengangkan karena apa yang aku lakukan benar-benar mencerminkan keidiotanku yang sungguh-sungguh. Tak ada ampun, aku memang seorang idiot. I'm an idiot, the best idiot ever. Aku seorang idiot, idiot yang sesungguhnya. Tapi, tenang. Si idiot ini juga manusia. Dia bisa memperbaiki diri. Dia akan memperbaiki diri. Do'akan. ``Sekali idiot, tetap idiot, Mas.'' Diem, monyong!

Tomorrowland Tests About Me

Yeah, I've a lot of spare times. So, unpurposely, I took these quizes. I'm a Mandarin! You're an intellectual, and you've worked hard to get where you are now. You're a strong believer in education, and you think many of the world's problems could be solved if people were more informed and more rational. You have no tolerance for sloppy or lazy thinking. It frustrates you when people who are ignorant or dishonest rise to positions of power. You believe that people can make a difference in the world, and you're determined to try. Talent: 33% Lifer: 49% Mandarin: 62% Take the Talent, Lifer, or Mandarin quiz. I'm a Dodge Viper! You're all about raw power. You're tough, you're loud, and you don't take crap from anyone. Leave finesse to the other cars, the ones eating your dust. Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Curhat Mudik dan Balik

Sebelumnya ini aku post di milis anak-anak Astronomi ITB angkatan 2000. Tapi dipikir-pikir lagi, lumayan juga kalo di-post di sini. Biar orang lain tahu. Lagian aku edit lagi, kok. Engga persis dg yang di milis. Kemaren itu pengalaman pertamaku menjadi pelaku/komponen/korban "puncak arus mudik". Kalau dulu, selama kuliah, mudik dari Bandung ke Tasik lancar2 aja. Emang, sih, beberapa kali harus rebutan naik bis, tapi keseluruhan perjalanan lancar. Ini kejadian pada 2006/10/21. Udah nongkrong di terminal Lebak Bulus jam 06.00, ternyata bis yg ke Tasik engga ada. Pas ada, kebayang sendiri, rebutan. Akhirnya, jam 12.00 naik bis yg ke Bandung, rencananya dari Bandung baru ke Tasik (Lebak Bulus terus Leuwi Panjang terus Cicaheum terus Cilembang). Dari Jakarta ke Bandung lumayan lancar, sampai akhirnya tiba di Cicaheum. Dari Cicaheum, berangkat menuju Tasik jam 16.00. Nyampe di Tasik jam 23.00. Perjalanan pendek terlama yang pernah kualami. Keren mamen! Heuheu, tapi pasti ada yg bin...