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The Super IQ Test

Setelah Classical IQ, saya ikuti Super IQ Test. Ternyata hasilnya kayak gini: (menurun)

Dudi, your Super IQ score is 109

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's only part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We also determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you an Intuitive Interpreter. This means you are a highly conceptual thinker. Rather than focusing on facts and figures, you look at the big picture. You are less inclined to need to walk through something step by step to understand the logic behind it. This also lets you make connections between something you learned three weeks ago and something you are learning today. While other people need those types of connections pointed out for them, you just naturally make them.

How did we determine that your thinking style is that of an Intuitive Interpreter? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed how you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational, abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical. The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you an Intuitive Interpreter. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities.

Ouh I'm so glad of being rare people in this world.


Anonymous said…
Uh...i dont know what to think,its also just the same with you'r IQ test result..... just look at mine..

i think this is not real!

Super IQ TestHow Smart Are You Really?
Marrinny, your Super IQ score is 109

Your overall intelligence quotient is the result of a
formula based on how many questions you answered correctly. But it's
part of what we learned about you from your answers on the test. We
determined the way you process information.

The way you think about things makes you an Intuitive Interpreter.
means you are a highly conceptual thinker. Rather than focusing on
and figures, you look at the big picture. You are less inclined to
need to
walk through something step by step to understand the logic behind it.
also lets you make connections between something you learned three
ago and something you are learning today. While other people need
types of connections pointed out for them, you just naturally make

How did we determine that your thinking style is that of an Intuitive
Interpreter? When we examined your test results further, we analyzed
you scored on 8 dimensions of intelligence: spatial, organizational,
abstract reasoning, logical, mechanical, verbal, visual and numerical.
3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you an Intuitive
Interpreter. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of
ali said…
IQ 109 itu bagus sekali itu termasuk superior. IQ normal= 90.