Facebook bikin ...? Sebuah cerita lucu dan mengejutkan saya dapat dari slashdot saat ngintip temen kerja yang monitornya bisa saya lihat dari kusri tempat saya duduk. Berikut salinannya: Posted by samzenpus on Tuesday September 08, @10:58AM from the take-my-are-you-in-danger-quiz dept. definate writes " Two teenage girls (aged 10 and 12) found themselves trapped/lost in a stormwater drain in Adelaide, South Australia. The interesting point of this article that makes it Slashdot worthy, is that although the teenage girls had mobile phones, instead of calling for help using 000 (Australia's 911 number), they decided to notify people through Facebook . My guess is it was something along the lines of 'Jane Doe is like totally trapped in a stormwater drain, really need help, OMG!'. Luckily a young friend of the girls was online at the time and was able to call the proper authorities. " Kontan, komentar2 para pembaca slashdot membanjir dengan nada menghujat dan menghi...
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